
Upcoming Teen Activities:

Wednesday Night Teen Groups – 7 p.m.

Teen Group (Jr. & Sr. Boys and Girls) – Meet downstairs in the Teen Room with Pastor Yokel – All teens are welcome !

Teen Sunday School Classes – 9:30 a.m.  All teens meet together for singing and prayer, then divide up into their classes.

Jr. High Class – Teacher: Tom Sinkowski (Library)

Sr. High Class – Teacher: Tim and Joanne Sweeney (Teen Room)

Teen Game Night – Teens meet the first Friday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the church for a night of games at the church.  Led by Pastor Yokel.

Teen YAC – Teens meet once a month after the evening service at someones home. Food is provided.  Teens are asked to bring their favorite snack and/or beverage.  Parents are asked to pick up their teen at the home.  Pastor Yokel leads this activity with a devotional and/or game.

TEENS!  Please remember the dress code & rules for all teen activities!  They will be enforced by your teen sponsors.